Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What is Real Beauty?

A couple of weeks back I was honored to attend A Celebration of Real Beauty Conference, I was extra excited because I would be sharing this event with my two daughters. I always find it extra exciting to tag them along whenever I go to an uplifting event.
I was really not sure as to what I would be expecting from the conference, I knew it had an amazing line up of Motivational Speakers, Strong Women and Entrepreneurs who I admire; But the experience was not only a reaffirmation of what Real Beauty is but also of what I wanted to be able to share with my daughters.
Its been a year in a half of not coloring my hair, which has become such a freedom in my life, My hair looks healthier then ever and I don't really mind all the greys coming in. at times I pluck them out but for the most part I embrace them, because they are who I am.
 When it comes to make up Its become my Motto to say that
"Make up is merely a compliment to my Real Beauty".
 I no longer want big boobs I'm happy the way I am for the first time in 30 something years of life.
A couple of Weeks back, while having Lunch with two amazing Women in my life. We talked about this very topic, I share my experience of growing up thinking the cheerleaders at school defined Beautiful and since I did not look like them I did not feel beautiful myself. I told them that many years later while looking at the Year Book, I came across my picture and saw myself through my grownup eyes, I Was Beautiful.
My friend shared how we are always talking down on ourselves, Saying how I don't like this about me and I don't like that about me. I wish I could change this, She asked what are we showing our daughters. Which brought up a very interesting point. WHAT are we Really telling our daughters, we do not like the person in the mirror, Will they take this as a example and start a chain of negativity towards themselves?
Beauty has truly become in my eyes a reflection of everything we are, the way we own ourselves. The confidence we share, the way we interact with others. The way we nurture our children and teach them to also love themselves. I know so many beautiful women who will not step out of their house unless they have make up on. or their hair done. I know so many women who compare themselves to the reality star on TV or the model in the cover of a magazine.
WE are what we Believe We are, a true definition of Beauty!!! One of God's greatest Creations.

Thursday, January 23, 2014


I love this video and everything it represents, I feel very strongly that beauty is being redefined everyday. It feels great to know that we have the power to say what beauty is and not have it be defined by a magazine or tv show. I know many young ladies and even pre teens, who feel they need to look like someone on a magazine to represent true beauty. That is why I make it a point to my 10 and 11 year old girls, to know that they don't need make up or be following the latest trend to know their worth and true beauty. I know like this video shows that its also a reflection of everything I show to them, I'm proud to say that I feel good enough to enhance my natural beauty with make up or go a whole week without it. This video also remind me of a project that Wendy Breitzman Santiano put together a few months back, that focused on redefining true beauty by focusing on the features we least liked about ourselves.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year, New You

Its the beginning of a new year, the start of something new!
Think of yourself as a book yet to be written, as a blank canvas ready to become a masterpiece
Remember to believe in yourself and become what you are meant to be
You truly are Beautiful
You truly are Strong and Powerful
Don't ever let anyone tell you how far you can go in life
Don't ever second guess your potential
or who you are meant to be
You truly are a princess a queen
by far one of God's Greatest creation.
Remember that things will not always be perfect, but the beauty of it all is that we can always start all over.
If you feel lost, try to find the person you most want to become
If you feel alone, remember that God is always there
If you feel Sad, find reasons to smile even if it means watching funny videos on Youtube
If you feel inadequate, Tell yourself everything you are truly good about
If you feel not worthy enough, ask for forgiveness and forgiveness will set you free, then make sure to never look back
You are unique
You are amazing
You are the only one who can write your story